
Shortly before publication of “An Impossible Choice,” inewsource Executive Director Lorie Hearn and reporter Joanne Faryon sat down for a series of on-camera discussions about why this series was created and how the experience affected the inewsource team.

We’ll be adding one new video every day, starting Monday, Sept. 29.

What was the hardest part?

Sometimes the most difficult part of an investigation isn’t the research.


How did the experience change you?

Joanne Faryon explains how the reality of people living on life support conflicted with what she’d always imagined it to be.


How did you get cameras on the unit?

Filming “An Impossible Choice” took a lot of work. Here’s how it happened.


How did this project begin?


inewsource reporter Joanne Faryon explains how “An Impossible Choice” came to be.